In the ashen twilight of a world that once pulsed with life, the remnants of humanity huddle in the shadows of forgotten cities. The sky, a bruised canopy of swirling toxins, bleeds a sickly yellow as it hangs over the wastelands where the cyborgs roam. These metal monstrosities, forged from the remnants of mankind’s hubris, are relentless in their pursuit of a singular, ancient artifact: the Roland TR-909 drum machine. For reasons unknown, this relic from the past holds the key to their destruction, a weapon of sonic power capable of shattering their synthetic cores.
Beneath the crumbling streets, the GSG—Ghost Signal Group—fight to keep the 909s out of the cyborgs’ grasp. They are rebels, electronic musicians who once filled the world with rhythm and now channel their art into war. Their underground lairs echo with the beats that will either save or doom them, each strike of the drum machine a heartbeat of resistance. As the cyborgs draw closer, the GSG prepares for the final battle, knowing that the last rhythm could be the one that ends the nightmare—or plunges the world into silence forever.
SYNTHON! is a free international electronic live music streaming festival.
The event, with usually more than an full weekend of non-stop music, and with artists from all over the world, is organized by the Golden Shrimp Guild; a community of electronic live musicians, multidisciplinary artists, innovative creators and engineers, currently mainly active on Twitch and Discord.
Are you a creator yourself and interested in live streaming at our next edition?
Ask around in the chat and visit the GSG Discord to find out how it all works.